10 February 2008

And now we are four......

Hi everyone,

Yesterday was a sad day at our house. After having several scarey "episodes" where she would stop, gag, and be temporarily unable to move, our dearest dog Shadow died on our way to take her to the vet. She had a great morning - the food she loved, a walk on the hill, but the exertion of it all seemed too much for her failing body. It is always hard to know - quality or quantity of life - which do we go for? Shadow always appreciated quality - and so we know she approved of the way she passed from this world to the next.

Ireland is fantastic in that you can bury your animals in the property around where you live. Shadow's final resting place will probably becomes mini graveyard - as this place on the hill behind our house is visible from our kitchen window. With a brilliant view of the marina on the one side and the beach and inlet to the sea on the other, the spirits of our animals will enjoy the final beauty and freedom that our lives here offer.

I don't know how many of you have read, Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog by John Grogan, but Margie and I loved it this summer. Our animals may not be perfect, and the little reminders of Shadow's life include an antique Wizard of OZ book in shreds and an antique chair with one rocker slightly shorter than another. Why she loved old things and wood to chew on was always a mystery! Still reading about Marley puts it in perspective and all the "Marley-like" animals we love (including ancient cats who pee on rugs, large laboradors who have trouble getting up stairs to mention our other two animal friends) warm our hearts, make us get out of ourselves to take them on walks and through their requirement for love, keep our hearts open to the world.

"And through their requirement for love, keep our hearts open to the world" ......may all of us require love from each other today - in memory of Shadow.

All the best,

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