28 March 2008

AM Web WalkAbouts

Hi everyone,

Mornings these days has me doing web walkabouts. I give myself two hours (roughly 7am - 9am) to follow my heart and head through the web.

These days Twitter http://twitter.com/home has some of that attention - just like in a village (albeit a global village) I find myself catching up on the news and daily doings of the minutia of life from my friends.

I also get to know people I have met through their web presence better. Case in point is Nancy White http://www.fullcirc.com whose website is a constant model to me of what it looks like to have a large enough digital footprint so people can get to know you. If I met her at a party I would be interested to talk with her (like having her blog bookmarked), following her on Twitter is like asking her over for coffee. Its the minutia that make connection, at least for me and finally the web has given me a tool that does this.

On another front, my creative life is helped through a series of sites for what is called hybrid scrapbooking. For all of you who have followed my scrapbooks for years, digital scrapbooking takes less time and many of the papers, etc can be gotten for free with the right memberships. I have found https://www.scrapwow.com/ to be the best place to house my scrapbooks. You can find mine at http://www.scrapwow.com/scrapbook/mysite.asp?ukey=39102ZR5Z3910S29XX3910. I have also found that RAKSCRAPS (now owned by the same group as scrapwow) have great freebie offers. Within the month both of these subscriptions have paid off in enough free digital scrapbooking supplies that I am set. Now before folks run out to get started the software of choice for this work is Adobe (not as easy to learn as some) either Photoshop (my choice but expensive) or elements. The good news is that there are wonderful tutorials - in fact after years of working with Photoshop I have sharpened many skills because of the tutorials. Last but not least, is a fun set called ScrapGirls, their latest newsletter has tons of fun pages! http://www.scrapgirls.com/NL/RoundUp_080325_Tues_See.htm

Please comment by clicking the link below if you find any of the ideas I collected in today's web walk about fun for you as well.

Love to all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Alana, what fun to see what you are doing with your life! It comes at a critical turning point in my own life. How inspiring!

We used to know each other as individuals struggling with bureaucacy and politics in Denver. I was working at P.A.V.E. and then the Federation of Famlies for Children's Mental Health when you did some facilitations that I was part of.

I've been in Southern California for the last 6 years and have just decided to move back to Colorado. I'm excited about it.

Maggie just sent me an invite to Twitter, which drew me to your fascinating sites. Just this week, I am meditating and needing some aclchemical process to make some big changes as I face this phase of my life.

I've been trying to really get down to my core passions, what brings me to life and I keep coming back to the internet. I've been the writer/editor for 2 blogs that have enjoyed a wide readership, but was wondering if I was "addicted" to my computer. The internet is an amazing way to make global connections with other people.

Your post today describing your sense of being part of a global village is just how I feel and I also love reading that you consider it following your "heart and head", rather than an escape.

I definitely will be checking in often on your blogs to try out some new tools. I immediately created a scrapbook. What fun!

Thanks for your sharing.

Victoria Bresee