Hi everyone,
This is to announce the soon to be addition to our family - we are currently calling her Harriet (heaven only knows why) but are completely open to her telling us what her name is once she arrives. I have started a digital scrapbook which will journal her journey into our home, our lives and here growing up - more on that in later emails and blogs.
Meanwhile we met her two weeks ago, although I had been entranced with the sweetness of her Mum when I met her at the vets office two weeks before that. Our vet thinks that this adoption will be good for Stefan (wake up the old fart) but who knows what Samson will think! Well maybe we ALL know what Samson will think, which is why we purposefully chose the gentlest puppy in the liter.
We took three tennis balls out to the siblings yesterday. The alpha male quickly picked his up and from the expression on his face you absolutely knew he thought he was brilliant. Harriet and her sister soon followed suit (as you can see).
Lots of love for now - she comes home next Friday so we know there will be lots of pictures, and stories to follow,
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