26 April 2008

Happily Home Again

Hi everyone,

This morning found me home, on the floor in our living room with my first cup of coffee, playing fetch with the puppy. NICE.

While it feels luxurious to be back, I enjoyed the trip to Houston and Denver. Well, maybe NOT the part about driving in a blizzard over Monument Hill, but all other parts. Seeing friends was good, work was good, and catching up with Mom and those who provide care for her was..... well if not good, something close. I left Houston musing on how our basic ideas about life ultimately determine our experience, if we are lucky enough to live that long.

A high spot in Houston was a night Ann and I went out and enjoyed La Boheme at the Houston Opera for $35. The seats, front of house and in the center, were fantastic and the performance was out of this world. For anyone who still may stay away from opera because you can't understand it - the advent of overhead translations made all the difference.

Love to you all,

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