02 February 2008

The importance of Salt - The mines near Krakow

Hi everyone,

I will finish my musings on Krakow with this photo - sculptures commemorating the mythology of Queen Wanda. Whether or not based on a true story, we hear from Kazik in our multicultural group that Wanda stories are told to children to display all that is good and true to Poland. In one she throws herself into a river rather than marry (therefore creating allegiance with) a German prince. Here she threw her ring into the river a symbol of her marriage and dedication to the Polish person - later the ring nestled in the mines below this area, only to be returned to her by the first miners.

Salt was no light matter to Poland, becoming one of the solid basis for the local economy for hundreds of years. Visitors to the salt mines are taken on a two hour tour, descending 300 hundred meters. Throughout the tour diorama's such as the one above, carved out of salt, tell the story of the mines and the miners through the centuries. What the visitor needs to keep in mind is that, due to the humidity in the mines, these sculptures wear away with time.

All the best for now,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI so beautiful and amazing. One of the new readings I have done in regards to my health is the benefits of salt and walking through these mines with the humidity is healing for asthma. In some countires they are building spa's so folks who suffer from lung problems can do and sleep in them or hang out in them for health benefits. Felecia M