Hi everyone,
I think unrealistically, we all make changes in our lives thinking that "this will do it - such and such will finally change," only to discover that no matter where we go there we are (big smile). Part of my story is learning to overcome a life long tendency to overwork and underapprecitate what is around me. Life in Ireland continues to remind me to live in the moment with enjoyment - a task that comes and goes. This weekend I listened to a book on tape about a Buddhist meditation where we breath in that which is stuck or dark - in ourselves and in others - "the unwanted" and we breathe out white purified light with the energy that would transform the situation, consciousness, courage, love, loving kindness, etc.
From another source I came across the idea (quantum-ly based it turns out) that when opposites meet (like the center of the paradox of our lives) transformation and magnificence happen. This propels us to look at and embrace our darker sides, "the unwanted" bits, and to transform them.
So here I am, when stressed about things, or bored, or frustrated - taking it in to myself rather than pushing it away, and the giving myself a gift of whatever energy seems helpful. When the unwanted begins to dissipate, the meditation then reminds us to pass it on to all the people in the world who are feeling those same dark thoughts at the moment. No matter what we feel, of course, there must be millions feeling something similar.
I attach the newest self portrait - part of a developing series of which the last one with the celtic mandala and the fire were a part. Someday I may grow into the potential that this one offers (smile).
Love you lots,
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