It has been a long time since I've blogged but yesterday's sight in town just struck my memory bank of happy moments in Sassy's in Belmont or Guy's on Haight Street in San Francisco. You will soon see what I mean and may have your FAVOURITES from kidhood.
You see FAVOURITES is the local NewsAgent/sweets store in Kinsale. Yesterday while sipping my tea, munching a scone and enjoying some very focused peoplewatching from Patsy's Cafe, at 10:30am a hoppin' time of the day. You see, this little restaurant is located at a conjested narrow crossroads.
Back to the memory--I was amazed to see about 25 primary school students all scrunch through the door of the this tiny bright orange store, all 400 square feet, including walls, racks and stacks of merchandise and daily newspapers. The teachers were diligent on monitor duty outside the shop awaiting the smiling and satisfied, nibbling returnees. As I observed, I started sharing what I was witnessing to the woman who shared my table. To appease my aroused curiosity another woman "in the know" was sitting next to our table explained the great event which was unfolding before my novice eyes. What I was viewing was the reward for the first holy communion class who had just finished practicing and were now able to go buy a treat before trudging back to class. It was obvious, even to a blow-in like this ex-pat, that these Kinsale kiddos were happy as clams with this bonus for marching time in the parish church. So as I savored the view and the last drops of my tea, I reflected back to the many candies,(SWEETS is the term here) lined up awaiting my pennies and nickels that were to be hastily spent before going to the Haight movie theater or when all the cousins took a break from swimming at the Killeans to trudge to the local Sassy's candy shop. To see kidstory repeat itself is sweet!
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