22 April 2007

I have seen the future and it is exciting!

Hello everyone,

As Associate Chair of our new Doctoral program and JIU, I get to have the fun of proposing new permutations for the field of online education. Friday, I got to test a platform for synchronous discussion that can have up to fifty people, all of the globe if need be, in a synchronous real time classroom – just like if they were in the same room together. One is in the center of the screen and four others are live at the corners. Then the remaining group are in the wings, and are easily slipped into one of the spots by the facilitator when they raise their hand. As a group we can watch power point presentations, see videos, etc. This is a version of webinar, and while they are not new – they are to me!

Very exciting. As someone who earns my living typing comments in asynchronous meetings, this offers a chance to augment that with live conversation. I am thrilled.

Other things that are equally exciting in our lives are my co facilitating retreats for people who want to reinvent their lives. Margie is reinventing hers through ongoing property management with our apartment (www.kinsaleapartment.com) and through working with kids in Kinsale making games out of recycled materials.

Our lives continue to evolve in new ways.
All the best,


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