18 January 2007

Well Blow Me Down

I thought I would contemplate this celebratory thought when I was walking the dogs on the hill this morning but the pushy winds were so strong ("HOW STRONG WERE THEY?" you ask) that I kept blowing up the hill (not any easy feat) and the dogs' fur was rippling like black wheat fields. Stefan's ears were a'flappin and Shadow barked a bit to notify the mysterious and invisible creature that she did not like being pushed around while scavaging(her "top" pleasure on hill adventures).

So my thinking turned to the POWER of the wind and how different living on an island has been for me than living in a landlocked state like Colorado where snow conditions provide nature's primary winter topic. We jostled along and I was satisfied in the view of the estuary with white capped waves and bobbing sailboats down in the marina.

Going home for a warm cup of tea in my electrified state and to tell Alana how BLOWY it was just shows how simple yet wonderful my life right now.

Blessings to you in 2007.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woman of Wonder
You are truly a poet. I can just see the wind blowing the fur of the big doggies.

Love to you,