Hi everyone,
One of the joys of living in this house is having so many places to work.
I like to work for the university upstairs in the loft.
This morning it is gorgeous.
It is now 7:45 am and the sun is just rising.
Pink and gold nestle the green hills and brown cliffs at waters edge.
The water is silver grey, lightly lapping the shore with shallow horizontal waves.
On the other side of the peninsula the boats in the marina are docked in what looks like glass.
The sound of seagulls breaks the stillness, which is also punctuated in my private world with the drone of fingers on the keyboard.
Our morning routine is to be up by 6 – into the hot tub with tea and coffee. Margie stays but a minute as she goes upstairs and meditates with the cat on her lap – I stay for 20 minutes or so and work through the kinks that tighten my legs into morning pretzels. Then it is up to the main floor for yoga. One week we strengthen, work on yoga relaxation over the weekends to flip flop to yoga that increases concentration. This practice expands our lung capacity and is geared to take us gracefully into our sunset years. As Margie points out it is amazing how good it feels – so good that we rarely want to rebel and forget it, and when we do we have the other to remind us of how much better our days go when we feel strong and flexible.
OK – I have been distracted by the beauty long enough. I think of my friends in the US – now asleep of course, and wish everyone well. May we all find beauty in our days and love in our lives!
Love to all,
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