Margie and I are running off to the US for Christmas, but not before she aided the Kinsale business community by clowning on the street corner, entertaining children and youth while their parents shopped - or at least that was the idea.
Kinsale is lovely this Christmas and, after a few days of stormy weather has been shirt sleeve pleasant.
We were able to enjoy many of the town Christmas events with our different groups of friends and will be able to return just in time to see this year's Panto - snow white and the seven blow in's (dwarves). Some of you may remember our introduction to local theatre as part of last years Panto.
We are wishing everyone who reads this the best of holidays, may you enjoy the many people who love you.
We hope to catch up with other stories before the new year - ah but that is what New Year's resolutions are for is it not?
Love to you all,