Happy Christmas Eve 2006,
This blog is an ongoing story and discussion of two adventurous ladies who completely changed their lives over the course of the last four years. After packing up their lives, changing their jobs and moving the animals they now live in lovely Kinsale, Co. Cork. We welcome conversation from like minded adventurous souls as we continue our journey.
Happy Christmas Eve 2006,
Hi everyone,
I love a grey morning! This is probably a good thing because winter in
My next set of ATC’s (artist trading cards, used as thumbnail sketches used to be used through which to mature ideas) will be about childhood. This was prompted by our dog Shadow, who ate one of my old children’s books. I replaced it on Ebay (and finished out the set) and decided to use the drawings and illustrations from the damaged copy as part of a series of collages on childhood. There is an international ATC website which hosts women’s work – and I have to have 20 cards to send on. I hope to complete the series early in 2007.
Grey days are also good for reading. The fall Margie and I joined a newly forming book club run by our favorite bookstore (and that is the name of the store: Bookstor). Our group has twelve memebers although we are still to have the full number at any one meeting. One man, Gerome, who owns the Kinsale boat touring company adds spice to what might otherwise be a higher degree of agreement than we have with him. Each of us select one book to host each year – and so far we have read very diverse material. Since this is the reason Margie and I joined – to meet people and to broaden our reading, we are well satisfied. That is not to say I don’t grinch all the way through books that I don’t like – and my reading tastes must be very narrow, because much of what we have read did not please at all during the reading. I find that after hashing it all through with the others though I find myself more at peace with the reading experience, whether I enjoyed them or not at the time.
Finally grey days make it enjoyable to know we have play practice that evening. Evenings start about 4:30 here these days, but practice starts at 8 and runs to 10. I will write more about the Panto in another blog, which is at this momentstill being written in my head.
I hope everyone reading this is feeling equally cozy in whatever type of day or evening this finds you,
Lots of Love,